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How to tell when PhotoRec is finished

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 10:35
by bradles
I ran photorec on a 1TB USB hard drive (source) and set the target as another 1TB USB hard drive. It ran for 24 hours and recovered over 16,000 files of which it has put in 33 directories on the target drive. These directories go from recup_dir.1 to recup_dir.33. The terminal with PhotoRec on it is still running. It says estimated time to completion 0h00m00 but the target hdd is still flashing as if it is being accessed/copying. I left it alone for a while - the hdd has been flashing for about 5 hours and PhotoRec still has the "Stop" option showing.

Is it ok to Stop PhotoRec now?


Re: How to tell when PhotoRec is finished

Posted: 29 Oct 2012, 08:09
by cgrenier
It's ok to stop PhotoRec now. It looks like the disk firmware doesn't like read operation near/after the end of the disk.