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Enhanced "After Using PhotoRec" script

Posted: 03 Jan 2018, 00:35
by UlfZibis
Hi all,

This is my first post in this forum, so please be tolerant if I do formal mistakes.

In the wiki on there is a script for recovering the original file names from a Canon camera. It does not work for my files, recovered from a Canon A2200 SD-card on my Ubuntu machine, because the respective tag values do not begin solely with "100". Also the path for jhead matched bad and a leading Shebang may be helpful.

I have enhanced the script which now works fine:

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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$working_dir = '.';
$jhead_bin = '/usr/bin/jhead';

@recovered_files = `ls $working_dir`;
foreach $file (@recovered_files) {
    chomp $file;
    @exif = `$jhead_bin -v $working_dir/$file`;
    foreach $line (@exif) { 
        if ($line =~ /Canon maker tag 0008 Value = [1-9]\d\d(\d{1,8})$/) {
            system("mv $working_dir/$file $working_dir/IMG_$1.JPG");
            print "IMG_$1.JPG from $file\n";
Also a hint may be useful, that jhead must first be installed, e.g. on Ubuntu with:

Code: Select all

sudo apt install jhead
Kind regards

Re: Enhanced "After Using PhotoRec" script

Posted: 04 Jan 2018, 18:05
by UlfZibis
An additional enhancement allows to pass the directory to work on by a command line argument:

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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$jhead_bin = '/usr/bin/jhead';
$dir = (@ARGV > 0) ? $ARGV[0] : '.';
$dir =~ s/\/*$//;    # truncate trailing '/'s

@recovered_files = `ls $dir`;
foreach $file (@recovered_files) {
    chomp $file;
    @exif = `$jhead_bin -v $dir/$file`;
    foreach $line (@exif) { 
        if ($line =~ /Canon maker tag 0008 Value = [1-9]\d\d(\d{1,8})$/) {
            system("mv $dir/$file $dir/IMG_$1.JPG");
            print "IMG_$1.JPG from $file\n";

Re: Enhanced "After Using PhotoRec" script

Posted: 04 Jan 2018, 18:10
by UlfZibis
The following script allows to additionally recreate the original foldertree on the a Canon camera (tested with SD-card from Canon PowerShot A2200):

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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$jhead_bin = '/usr/bin/jhead';
$dir = (@ARGV > 0) ? $ARGV[0] : '.';
$dir =~ s/\/*$//;    # truncate trailing '/'s

@recovered_files = `ls $dir`;
foreach $file (@recovered_files) {
    chomp $file;
    @exif = `$jhead_bin -v $dir/$file`;
    $folder_no = '000';
    $picture_no = '0000';
    $date = '0000';
    foreach $line (@exif) {
        if ($line =~ /Canon maker tag 0008 Value = ([1-9]\d\d)(\d{1,8})$/) {
            $folder_no = $1;
            $picture_no = $2;
        if ($line =~ /Time\s*:\s*\d{4}:(\d\d):(\d\d)\s[\d:]{8}$/) {
            $date = "$2$1";
    unless ($date == '0000') {
        print "$folder_no\_$date/IMG_$picture_no.JPG from $file\n";
        system("mkdir -p $dir/$folder_no\_$date");
        system("mv $dir/$file $dir/$folder_no\_$date/IMG_$picture_no.JPG");