Adding new file type clarification

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Adding new file type clarification

#1 Post by s73v3 »

Hi all,

I have a new file type for some very important cctv footage that has been lost on a corrupt disk and I require some help to structure the photorec.sig

I have identified the first line of hex is 00 24 00 13 70 7D 00 13 F0 D6 00 13 50 30 01 13.

Some of the files start with 00 24 00 13 60 OR 00 24 00 13 70 with the rest of the line having slight changes
Each file is only 2mb.
There are lots.

How do I specify the first 5 pairs of characters as sig. I can only see a way to include the entire line.

This is much appreciated and could change someone's life. Thankyou
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Adding new file type clarification

#2 Post by s73v3 »

Hi all,

I have a new file type for some very important cctv footage that has been lost on a corrupt disk and I require some help to structure the photorec.sig

I have identified the first line of hex is 00 24 00 13 70 7D 00 13 F0 D6 00 13 50 30 01 13.

Some of the files start with 00 24 00 13 60 OR 00 24 00 13 70 with the rest of the line having slight changes
Each file is only 2mb.
There are lots.

How do I specify the first 5 pairs of characters as sig. I can only see a way to include the entire line.

This is much appreciated and could change someone's life. Thankyou
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Re: Adding new file type clarification

#3 Post by s73v3 »

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is being heard in court tomorrow.
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Re: Adding new file type clarification

#4 Post by cgrenier »

It's probably too late but you can use for signature

Code: Select all

cctv 0 0x0024001360
cctv 0 0x0024001370