What does a deleted folder look like in photorec?

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Joined: 29 Mar 2024, 20:59

What does a deleted folder look like in photorec?

#1 Post by Dingusxp »

Hello, yesterday I was stupid and accidentally deleted a folder with some important scripts stored in .txt files, these were in a folder. Since im running LM i have ext4 therefore i cannot undelete files in testdisk. So I am wondering what a deleted folder would look like in photorec? will it become .gz or will the 3 .txt files inside just be mixed in with all the other files?. Thanks beforehand.

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Re: What does a deleted folder look like in photorec?

#2 Post by recuperation »

I don't know what LM is. And I am unwilling to guess. Do not use your personally invented abbreviations. You are signalling that you are not willing to invest the least amount of time to describe your problem. And others cannot learn from your posting either. Thank you!


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