.ecryptfs files recovered with PhotoRec. How do I use them?

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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.ecryptfs files recovered with PhotoRec. How do I use them?

#1 Post by ambivalent »

Hi all,

Usung kubuntu 12.04 on ext4.
I deleted my entire ecryptfs folder containing my encrypted home folder.
The backup I thought I had is unusable.

Running PhotoRec I have recovered the files structure.
But all directories and files are renamed as PhotoRec does.

How would I return these files to the original state, please?

I have found this thread - http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/04/ ... ivate.html - to recover ecryptfs files but how would I apply this to the recovered, renamed PhotoRec files?

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Re: .ecryptfs files recovered with PhotoRec. How do I use th

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Code: Select all

sudo chown -R user:user recup_dir.*
(replace user by your username and your usergroup) so you own all the recovered files.

Move all .eCryptfs files to your .Private directory

Code: Select all

mkdir ~/.Private; mv recup_dir.*/*.eCryptfs ~/.Private
Access your data using

Code: Select all

sudo ecryptfs-recover-private
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Re: .ecryptfs files recovered with PhotoRec. How do I use th

#3 Post by ambivalent »

Hi cgrenier,

Thanks for your post.
I have followed your advice and have a bunch of ecryptfs directories and files under /tmp.

I'm not sure what to do with these though.

To explain my problem further...

Following this;
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Encry ... tory_Setup
I removed all ecryptfs directories and files using;
$ rm -rf ~/Private ~/.Private ~/.ecryptfs

Dumb dumb dumb. :oops: :oops: :oops:

So... that means I have no;
home/.ecryptfs/USER/.ecryptfs directory and so none fo the files therein.

(The backup I thought I had is useless.)

Can I recover my files without this directory?

Thanks very much.
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Re: .ecryptfs files recovered with PhotoRec. How do I use th

#4 Post by ambivalent »

Would 'home/.ecryptfs/USER/.ecryptfs' be one of the folders recovered using ;
sudo ecryptfs-recover-private ?

If yes ( I hope so!!!) how do I identify it, and how do I use it, please?

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Re: .ecryptfs files recovered with PhotoRec. How do I use th

#5 Post by DSpider »

Hi ambivalent ,

I have i similar problem, could you find a way to read or decrypt .ecryptfs files ??