No recoverable partition found

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 04 Dec 2012, 20:45

No recoverable partition found

#1 Post by Senko »

Hi there, I'm trying to recover a family members hard drive from a computer that suddenly stopped working (win7), we took out the hard and plugged it into another computer (winXP) to rescue all the files, but the hard disk just shows up as unallocated,


I've run testdisk as per below,


Once it's done with the quick search it tells me that the hard disk seems too small etc, as seen below,


I then finished a deeper search but with the same problem, it'll simply tell me that no partition is bootable, any ideas? - If the partition can't be fixed is there any way for me to recover the files from the disk while maintaining file names and folder structure?