The harddisk seems too small

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 15 Dec 2012, 16:02

The harddisk seems too small

#1 Post by malaki »


I accidentaly deleted my Bootcamp/Windows Partition and want to restore it,
I think testdisk found the right Partition on Quick Search but says it cant restore it because the HD seems too small

my harddisk has 250GB total, of that about 70GB are my macos partition and the rest were my windows partition

but in testdisk it says that the HD is 250 / 232 GB although the only partiton that still exists is the macos one with 70GB, so the rest should be free space

If I could somehow fix the partition table so that it correctly says 250 / 70 GB and the rest would be free space
shouldn't I be able to recover my windows partition?

How can I fix the partition table?