Please Help...

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 15 Jan 2013, 23:36

Please Help...

#1 Post by jprod007 »

I have a September 2012 purchased Mac Book Pro... I was in the process of making my old windows laptop a VM I had a lot of data that I was transferring to the VM on another HD. When I was done transferring and verifying that I had transferred the files over I was going to delete that folder and then do a Time Machine BU of the computer... I didn't get that far... My computer hung on me (I was not doing a data transfer at the time just browsing the internet). I shut it off via the power button. When it rebooted it came up with the folder with the question mark on it. I pulled the HD and put it into a Linux (Fedora) machine and used TestDisk to read the drive. It has no partitions and the drive size and CHS is messed up it shows as a 1.3TB Drive when it should be a 500GB drive. I looked up what the CHS should be from Hitachi's web site they are not right. Also scanning the drive produces read errors at 28 LBA intervals. The computer has never been subjected to any drops or trauma since purchase. Really bummed out...

I know I should have BU, I need some guidance on how or if I can fix the issue... Thanks for the help...