FAT32 convert to NTFS in Win8 64-bit becomes RAW

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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FAT32 convert to NTFS in Win8 64-bit becomes RAW

#1 Post by michaelsklee »

hi everyone,

urgently need help with my Buffalo 1TB external USB HDD.

i was planning to convert the 2nd partition of the HDD (900+GB) from FAT32 to NTFS using the CONVERT command in Win8 64-bit and all status check went smoothly until later it prompted with some data recyclic error causing the 2nd partition inaccessible and became RAW. however, the 1st partition is unaffected and still accessible now.

i've tried Remo Recover for Windows (Pro Edition) but it failed to recover the partition, saying it can't access it. then i tried TestDisk 6.1.4-WIP and attached (6 screenshots) for your reference and help.

these priceless historical data means a lot to me and really hope someone can help me, thanking in advance.

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