Trying to add new file type (*.lzh)

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Trying to add new file type (*.lzh)

#1 Post by dilberteatpie »

I'm trying to use photorec to try to recover some .lzh files that I deleted about over a year ago. I followed the guide: ... o_PhotoRec I'm not too sure about if I follow the guide completely; In what part do I add the signature at? The .lzh files I want to recover contain .psd files, so I made a few test to see if there's any matching strings - this is what I see: 2e 70 73 64.
Samples of .lzh files containing .psd files
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Re: Trying to add new file type (*.lzh)

#2 Post by dilberteatpie »

Bump. Can I get some help? I really have no clue what to do.
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Re: Trying to add new file type (*.lzh)

#3 Post by cgrenier »

You have posted a zip archive with 3 RAR files with a .lzh extension. There are not lzh archives.
BTW PhotoRec already recovers rar archives.
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Re: Trying to add new file type (*.lzh)

#4 Post by dilberteatpie »

The .lzh archive in general don't have a constant specific. However, I do remember seeing the names of the files inside .lzh when checked thru hex editor - it doesn't encrypt the file names. In this certain situation, the .lzh files I'm looking to recover contains "*.psd" files, so .psd reads 2e 70 73 64 when I it thru check hex editor. That's the only way I can think of recovering my specific .lzh file. I provided new samples; this time it's not archived as .rar, but you can see it doesn't encrypt the file names inside .lzh.
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Re: Trying to add new file type (*.lzh)

#5 Post by cgrenier »

I have posted a new 6.14-WIP version. Can you try it ?
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Re: Trying to add new file type (*.lzh)

#6 Post by dilberteatpie »

Well, I only managed to recover recent .lzh archive files, but not older files. I still can't manage to recover anything that contains .psd files.