Undelete files to 2nd USB Drive?

Using TestDisk to undelete files
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Re: Undelete files to 2nd USB Drive?

#11 Post by poisedcub »

oldman wrote:having the same problem here.
and its not unreconiced by my os. (linux)
everytime i copy the files they go to /dev directory
not to the usb. i have been trying every sdb,sdb1,sdc,sdc1,
and the files still goes to /dev directory.

booting from usb to scan the laptopp sdd. and copy files to a external usb/ssd/hdd whatever.

usb on fat format. (readable by most of electronics)

succeded to find lots of files big tumbs up for that. but it is a shame it's so difficult to copy to external.

everybody watch out for the wd my passport HDD!!!

p.s. i love this software photorec/testdisk

Best regards / Timo
Hi, I'm having pretty much the same problem:

The data I'm trying to recover got deleted from a laptop running windows 7. The hdd was formated, partioned, and windows 7 was reinstalled. I'm running photorec from a hirens live cd, so dos file system. When I have to choose from which drive to recover the data I see both drives: the internal one that has the data, and my external drive (WD my passport 1Tb), where I want to save the data. The problem occurs when I get to the part where I have to choose where to save the data. The external drive doesn't show anywhere. I can only see the what's on the live cd under R:tools. When I get out of that directory I have a list with all the letters: a:/ b:/ etc... and at the end the hirens live cd system files. I tried all the letters and I keep getting the hirens live cd file system. Please help.

Timo, I saw you said to watch out for WD my passport, what do you mean by it?
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Re: Undelete files to 2nd USB Drive?

#12 Post by cgrenier »

If you are booting from hirens live cd, start Parted Magic and try photorec from it. You will not be limited by DOS.