MBR deleted from a logical partion using test disk..

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MBR deleted from a logical partion using test disk..

#1 Post by GBR422777 »

how can i solve this....?i deleted my partition's MBR by mistake
please help!!! can i recover? or can i even recover the data?
the first one is the partition lost...the rest are of the other system partition which i recover using a windows boot cd..
thanks a lot:D
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Re: MBR deleted from a logical partion using test disk..

#2 Post by Fiona »

TestDisk doesn't delete any MBR, but a partition table would be possible using the menu delete.
But in this case, testdisk will find partitions using the boot sector.

On your first screen, that partition starts in the middle of the disk and ends after disklimit.
Also, that partition starts far away from your second partition.
At least it has a label.
Before I suggest anything tricky for diagnosis purposes, I'll see your results of the Deeper Search.

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Re: MBR deleted from a logical partion using test disk..

#3 Post by GBR422777 »

thx a lot fiona, but i'm afraid this was the result of deeper search..so should i change the disk geometry? and how ...any advice...and yes i cleared the bits of mbr using the main menu...clear MBR sets all bits to 0..so is it possible to recover? thanks again..a loooooooooooot:D
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Re: MBR deleted from a logical partion using test disk..

#4 Post by Fiona »

the rest are of the other system partition which i recover using a windows boot cd..
Please let me know, how did you do that?

Are you sure, that you confirmed with enter at this screen?;
Because Deeper Search searches additional for partitions using the backup of the boot sector.
So it often finds more, but it takes a little bit longer.

Only using the menu MBR code or Delete wouldn't move any partition including a boot sector somewhere in the middle of nowhere, like your partition is listed on your first screen;
This partition ends 200 GB beyond your disk limit
Normally it changes only the MBR or partition table.
The size of the MBR is only 1sector of 512 Bytes.
That's why it's difficult to judge.

Please, try the following;
Confirm in TestDisk through until you see Analyse.
Don't confirm at Analyse but Geometry.
Please check Cylinder.
Change the value to 105600 .
Leave the menu at OK
Check Analyse and press enter.
Proceed at Quick Search with enter also.
If TestDisk starts a scan, wait until you see that partition GBR_D.
Press enter to stop the scan.
Your partition with label GBR_D should be listed.
Please upload a screen.
Check that partition and press p to list your files.
But it'd only possible as long as a boot sector is recognized
Do you see your files or an error message.
This is only intended for diagnosing purposes.
It doesn't change anything to your HDD.
Don't use write or anything else!

Pleas let me know.
If not, it might be an idea to add a partition on your unallocated space manually to have a boot sector diagnose.
Should be exactly the space of your previous partition.
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Re: MBR deleted from a logical partion using test disk..

#5 Post by GBR422777 »

i recover the system partitions (windows 7) using a windows 7 format cd, booted then i chose repair instead of install..then clicked on start up repair..and that's it!

btw i did what u told me abt the cylinder and i thk it worked:D
i see my files yeeeeeeeeeeey hehe:D
i press enter to continue, now what should i do ? i dn't want to do anythg wrong!?

P.S: earlier 2day (b4 this search..) i did write MBR Code on the disk..and it said it will take effects after restart but i never restarted!
so i'm afraid if i did somethg wrong..is it ok? or should i do smthg abt it
I'm attaching the procedure u asked me to do..
thanks again:D
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Re: MBR deleted from a logical partion using test disk..

#6 Post by Fiona »

As long as you don't write anything you're not going to change anything to your HDD.
That's important.
This procedure is only intended to copy your data to another intact drive/partition.
If you list your data, at the bottom of the screen you can find all necessary commands.
Standard destination to copy files is your testdisk folder.
You also can create another one to copy your files to.
Check an created folder and using the right arrow key, will open that folder.
Checking those two dots and pressing enter changes directories.

Please backup/copy your important data.
If you're finished, easily close TestDisk.
Nothing will be changed! :)

Some information about MBR code;
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Re: MBR deleted from a logical partion using test disk..

#7 Post by nathski »

Hi hope someone will reply to this, anyway, I use testdisk several times repairing external drives, however this time tried repairing one, but I accidentally write the MBR to my system disk (drive C), now my laptop wont Boot to its OS. I've tried using a Win7 Enterprise 64 bit installer cd which I downloaded from torrents, since I don't have the original installation disk. I went through command prompt to fix the Boot Manager, before whenever I boot up my laptop after post screen shows Loading FreeDOS no kernel sys, now show bootmgr missing press any key to restart. I know I really messed up. So, trying desperately under command promt I've seen part of HD (don't know exactly to what partition) I'm seeing fat32 on it, probably the system reserve or the area where the boot manager reside. My question is how can i retrieve files from drive C using testdisk. Thanks
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Re: MBR deleted from a logical partion using test disk..

#8 Post by Fiona »

I'd need a screen shot from testdisk analyse (current partition strucur).

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Re: MBR deleted from a logical partion using test disk..

#9 Post by nathski »

Thanks for the response Fiona, however it's too late, I've wipe out the partitions and created new partitions on the HD using Gparted, but before I done that I copy the files as much as possible using testdisk. But with your question, there's a part of the HD(a partition perhpas) probably overwritten the system reserve or the boot manager but on that part show Fat32 it must be the mistake I made when this whole started. Testdisk overwritten on that area, so that's why when I boot up my laptop showing loading freedos no kernel sys. I am just looking for ways how to revert the accidental mistake I made on my drive(drive c). Just sarted from scratch, putting it all together, but anyways, I appreciate the response.