Photorec on dd image file - how to Topic is solved

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Joined: 22 Jun 2013, 14:34

Photorec on dd image file - how to

#1 Post by bkinner »


I figured this out on my own but wanted to post since directions were not clear.

"I don't understand the directions for running photorec on an image file (created by ddresuce). Where do I type the command? When I run photorec_win.exe I can only see the HD not the image file - what do I do?"

In windows, browse to the location of the image file. Right click. Select 'Open With'. Choose photorec_win.exe. This runs photo_rec pointing directly to the image file where you can select it to run photorec as shown in the directions given in the manual.

Thanks for the amazing program.