Unknown System Type

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Joined: 08 Jul 2013, 07:30

Unknown System Type

#1 Post by wireaudio »


I am trying to find the type of file system on this machine i have (It's a mill / router with an embedded computer)
I have taken the HDD out, and it's attached through a USB IDE adapter to my laptop.
Using TestDisk i tried searching for partitions and it was able to read a partition while under "Intel".
However, the partition name/type is not recognized. For example, my main windows drive has it listed as "* HPFS - NTFS" (aka bootable HPFS - NTFS).
The one on the drive i'm trying to read and backup is "* Sys=4D". So i can see it's bootable, but i can't tell what Sys=4D means. Is that the partition identifier? In that case it represents, according to "http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/partitions/p ... pes-1.html", QNX4.x

Anyone have any clue if i'm right or maybe can point me in the right direction?
