Successful recovery with some odd files

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Joined: 10 Jul 2013, 15:28

Successful recovery with some odd files

#1 Post by TrentM »

Hello all!

First time user and poster here. I would first like to thank Christophe for his amazing utility. I've only needed to use the software once (thankfully!) and it certainly did what I needed it to do!

I ran the utility this morning on a 16GB flash drive that somehow became corrupted over the past week. I did a default "Whole" recovery with the exception of enabling the "Recover Broken Files" option. Recovery was performed on a Win7 SP1 64bit system with a 16GB Lexar Transcend Flash Drive that contained one partition of the whole drive.

The scan and recovery took approximately 15 minutes to complete and recovered 85 files from the drive (best approximations from my boss confirms this was about the right number of files). Every file opened so far is perfect save for 2 files that were saved as .Ai files (renamed to .pdf and they are restored and working), and a handful of files that were saved as .fat, and one .pdf that is, surprisingly, 15,574,896 KB in size.

Given the size of the .pdf file, I am assuming it is not actually a recovered file at all but a copy of the drives partition?

The handful of files that were recovered as .fat have me at a loss for an explanation.

Any help or advice for the .fat files, and any explanation or theory of the 15GB .pdf would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks again to Christophe and a pre-emptive thanks for any help!