Did I do a stupid move?

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 08 Aug 2013, 17:52

Did I do a stupid move?

#1 Post by AJ12Gamer »

Ok this is what happened guys. I did a scan with WD tools DLGDIAG it said on the quick test "Failed read test element" and extended test "too many bad sectors detected". I checked it more online and it told me I had a problem with my partition. I used testdisk but after 12 hours at 20% my healthy hard drive was full because of the testdisk.log file. I've read other posts on the forum and it said I should have used no log. But here is where my problem starts. After I stopped the Analyse scan it said "write" even though it did not show up any partitions when I stopped the scan I still applied the write. Now I feel like I mess up my failing hard drive even more cause when I tried to use testdisk again without the logging. Now I'm getting read errors as much as it analyse the cylinder. I kinda don't want to used PhotoRec as I would have to rename every file. That's 2TB worth of .jpg .mts .wmv .mp3 .iso ect.

Please help.
Did I mess up my hard drive more by the write part?
Or do I still have a chance recovering my partition so I can get my files?

I used my best friend google and it came up with Knoppix and use there software to fix the MBR.
I did that and now windows can see the hard drive now and assigned it a letter but it still says unallocated, RAW and its asking me to format it.

Back then in Computer Management under Disk Management on my Windows computer it used to say unallocated and when I try to add a file system it gives me a CRC error. But now since I used Knoppix it shows it as a healthy partition but as a RAW partition.

As I'm typing this I'm using test disk again its running faster than before but just like I started it hasnt found a partition yet, its at 55%, and still getting as much read errors as much as it's analysing the cylinder.

Please help.
Did I mess up my hard drive more by the MBR part?
Or do I still have a chance recovering my partition so I can get my files?

I'm waiting for my eSATA Hard Drive Enclourse to come in the mail.
And I will clone the disk to a new empty one as described in
And use GNU ddrescue. "ddrescue /dev/old_disk /dev/new_disk sdc.log"

Please help.
Did I mess up my hard drive more by the write part?
Or do I still have a chance recovering my partition so I can get my files?

Did I mess up my hard drive more by the MBR part?
Or do I still have a chance recovering my partition so I can get my files?

I seriously freaking out here cause my wife still doesn't know all of our family photos, birth of my first daughter's photos, and ect that have big sentimental value are GONE.