Selecting Target Partition Topic is solved

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Selecting Target Partition

#1 Post by Arran »


I hope to find some help.

My System: LinuxMint 12 KDE.

My Problem: I have deleted a full partition by deleting /graphic from /media (stupid, I know). That partition has all my pictures and Videoclips, inclusive a few full Films recorded from TV. The real problems are the pics, the rest is not too important (sad, but there you are).
So, I am trying now to use «photorec» and I think I managed up to the moment when I ought to choose the destination partition. As the original partition (NTFS) was quite large >300MB, and I had anyway an empty NTFS partition of 358 MB on the same HD (1 Terabyte in total) I want to save the files to that drive.
However, I see no way to choose this drive. When the Windows with the selection of the Target comes up, I can not deselect my /home/arran directory in favour of /media/graphicsavings. I can not even find any of the other /media partitions.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: Selecting Target Partition

#2 Post by Arran »


I did found out how to get the things moving. The machine is now working and saving.

So, lets hope for the best.
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Re: Selecting Target Partition

#3 Post by remy »

For others reading your post, may you confirm :

- You have to mount the other partition and then select it in /media/... (or another mount point) without forgetting that ".." in gnu/linux mean "parent directory".

EDIT : By the way, testdisk 6.14-WIP includes some undeleting functionnality on ext partitions (perhaps I'm wrong, I tell that on a deficient memory basis) and you should also give a try to extundelete or ext3grep that could give great results.
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Re: Selecting Target Partition

#4 Post by Arran »

Thanks remy

Yes, I have mounted the correct new partition in «media».

As I wrote, there are over 300GB to rescue, at the moment there are 31578 files found and the computer works for over 25 hours ... My three processors run at about 85% on average. Therefore:

Can someone tell me how to close and restart at the point I stopped the rescue? I have absolute not pleasure to redo the whole thing again.

And how can I see, the Job is finished?

Edit: I just returned to the pic and realise, that the panel tells me:

Recovery finished.

All in all were 31674 files recoverd.