The harddisk seems too small!

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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The harddisk seems too small!

#1 Post by Sammy »


I am trying to recover the partitions on an old hard drive. I use the option Deeper Search in TestDisk and at the end of the scan it looks like it finds three partitions but it quickly removes that screen, it just flashes before my eyes. So instead of presenting the found partitions, it shows another screen that says that the hard drive is too small.

Code: Select all

Disk /dev/sdd - 15 GB / 14 GiB - CHS 1871 255 63

The harddisk (15 GB / 14 GiB) seems too small! ((30 GB / 28 GiB))
Check the harddisk size_ HD jumpers settings, BIOS detection...

The following partition can't be be recovered:
  Partition      Start         End           Size in sectors
> HPFS - NTFS    1870 254 63   3741 253 62   30057552

[ Continue ]
NTFS, blocksize=4096, 15 GB / 14 GiB
But the funny thing is that this is normal for this hard drive, it really is small, since it comes from a very old PC. It's only 15 GB! Well of course it's small! It would be another thing if the drive was a 1750 GB drive and was reported as small, that would be alarming. But what is a small hard drive... that really must be relative to what you're comparing with.

Why is it saying the hard drive is too small? Does TestDisk support 15 GB drives or smaller?

Can I get TestDisk to pause at the screen that just flashes by?
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Re: The harddisk seems too small!

#2 Post by cgrenier »

TestDisk has found the NTFS backup boot sector located at the end of the NTFS filesystem.
After Analyse and Quick Search, use Deeper Search, Write, confirm, BackupBS, confirm, Quit and reboot.
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Re: The harddisk seems too small!

#3 Post by lobomXXX »

I have similar problem. I would like to recovery RAID0 partition

Scenario 1:
1. EFI GPT - >Analyze then I got

Code: Select all

Analyse Disk /dev/sda - 4000 GB / 3726 GiB - CHS 486398 255 63
Bad GPT partition, invalid signature.
Trying alternate GPT
Bad GPT partition, invalid signature.
2. Quick Search result after few seconds:

Code: Select all

Disk /dev/sda - 4000 GB / 3726 GiB - CHS 486398 255 63
Check the harddisk size: HD jumpers settings, BIOS detection...
The harddisk (4000 GB / 3726 GiB) seems too small! (< 4000 GB / 3726 GiB)
The following partition can't be recovered:
     MS Data                     4352 7814054143 7814049792
     NTFS, blocksize=4096, 4000 GB / 3726 GiB

   P MS Data                   264448 7813986559 7813722112
     NTFS, blocksize=4096, 4000 GB / 3725 GiB

 1 P MS Data                   264448 7813986559 7813722112
simulate write!
Files list is empty. What should I do?
Log file: ... UJ1RlpyU2c

Scenerio 2:
1. Intel - >Analyze then I got

Code: Select all

Partition sector doesn’t have the endmark 0xAA55
2. Quick Search result after ~1 hour it found 1 partition and recognized it incorrect as FAT, really is a NTFS partition. It’s impossible to check files list (there is no option).
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Re: The harddisk seems too small!

#4 Post by lobomXXX »

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Re: The harddisk seems too small!

#5 Post by cgrenier »

The log file didn't show you trying to list the files from the NTFS partitions...