Help with damaged disk Topic is solved

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Re: Help with damaged disk

#21 Post by Fiona »

does it hurt the drive to move it from being in the netbook to being connected to my desktop via USB - if that changes the geometry...
No, your drive was checked using 255 heads (USB) and 240 heads (from your netbook).
You have a fortune, because geometry fits in both cases.

I recommended that you should run chkdsk on your affected windows partition.
Has been this partition;
You should run chkdsk on your TI106036W0F-partition.
Now you should run chkdsk on your third partition.
It's your HDDRecovery-partition.
This partition is hidden, probably you can't access this partition using windows?
Otherwise we must use TestDisk to change it from hidden NTFS to normal NTFS (unhide it and it will be visible to windows).
So it would be the first time, that we change the partition table.
Please let me know, can you access the HDDRecovery-partition now?
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Re: Help with damaged disk

#22 Post by momefarley »

Fiona wrote:Now you should run chkdsk on your third partition.
It's your HDDRecovery-partition.
This partition is hidden, probably you can't access this partition using windows?
If yes, let me know.
Otherwise we must use TestDisk to change it from hidden NTFS to normal NTFS (unhide it and it will be visible to windows).
So it would be the first time, that we change the partition table.
Please let me know, can you access the HDDRecovery-partition now?
Yes, I ran the chkdsk on the partition you recommended.

Yes, the HDDRecovery is hidden and apparently inaccessible to my Windows.

I've just used TestDisk to change the Type (07) (and used Write afterwards). It says I have to reboot. So I'm going to turn the computer off and on again and then I'll check and see if I can access it and run chkdsk on that partition.
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Re: Help with damaged disk

#23 Post by momefarley »

Fiona wrote:Now you should run chkdsk on your third partition.
It's your HDDRecovery-partition.
This partition is hidden, probably you can't access this partition using windows?
Here is the report:

Now I'm assuming I should change it back to hidden??
Then can I put the whole drive back in the netbook and use it to restore all the software??
Or do I need to do something with the first smaller partition (Windows RE(store)) first?
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Re: Help with damaged disk

#24 Post by momefarley »

I'm SO tempted to throw it back in the netbook and attempt restoring the software. BUT, this screen on TestDisk with the mismatches scares me - because I don't understand it. :? So I'm awaiting advice...

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Re: Help with damaged disk

#25 Post by Fiona »

If you wrote your partition table and made your partitions accessible, then the partition types changed also.
All partitions are now NTFS and the partition type code is 07.

It's a good idea to change your geometry to 240 heads like your netbook will use it.
TestDisk might complain it, because you use it on an USB-controller.
But this will be normal and should/can be ignored.

First of all add the geometry from your netbook.
You already exercised it in this example;
Has been here;
You'll find the menu geometry if you see the menu Analyse.
Don't confirm at Analyse but Geometry.
Change the value head to 240 and the value sectors should be 63.
Leave the menu geometry and confirm at Analyse and Quick Search.
Your partitions should be listed exactly like in that screenshot above!
If not, upload another one for me to check!
The first and the third partition are normally different partition types (Windows RE and hidden NTFS).
You should correct it now!
When your partitions appear green colored.
Your first partition should be checked.
Press t on your keyboard to open the menu Type.
Press enter to continue.
At the right, your cursor will be blinking.
Type 27 for Windows RE.
Press ok to leave the menu.
Check your third partition to get it back as hidden!
Also, press t to open the menu Type.
Press enter to continue.
Write 17 for hidden NTFS!
Press ok to leave the menu.
Check your Windows RE-Partition and set it to P for primary, using your right or left arrow key.
You can see it at the left.
Check you previous windows partition (TI106036W0F99) in the middle and set it to * (star) for primary active.
Check your hidden NTFS-partition (the third one) and set it to P for primary only.
Please upoload for me a screenshot, so that I can check it.
If everything looks right, press enter to proceed.
confirm at write with enter and y.
If your partition table is written back, close TestDisk and shut down your PC.
Remove your disk
Put your disk back into your netbook and test it.

Some hints about recovery using Toshiba;
You can recover the original factory image (returning the computer
to its out-of-box state) using the utilities stored on your computer’s
internal storage drive or using recovery DVDs/media, if you have
created such media. To recover using the first method, follow the
procedure below. To recover using the second method, see
“Restoring from recovery DVDs/media” on page 60.
To recover the original factory image using the utilities on your
computer’s internal storage drive:
1 Make sure the computer is turned off.
2 Press and hold the 0 (zero) key on your keyboard while
powering on the computer.51 Getting Started
Recovering the Internal Storage Drive
3 If your system offers a choice of Windows ® 7 32-bit or 64-bit
operating system, select one at this time. If not, skip to step 4.
4 A warning screen appears, stating that when the recovery is
executed all data will be deleted and rewritten. Click Yes to
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Re: Help with damaged disk

#26 Post by momefarley »

OK. I already changed the partition types before getting this post... Does the order matter? Here is what it looks like after changing the geometry.

This screen is just the same as the one you referenced - same numbers - so I think that's a good thing:

What I'm worried about is the "Bad relative sector" message... What is that about??? Or should I just ignore it??

And here is the Crystal Disk report. Do I need to worry about the yellow items??

If it should all be OK, I'll go ahead and attempt putting it in the netbook and restoring Windows, etc. Please advise!
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Re: Help with damaged disk

#27 Post by Fiona »

This screen abolutely fits to your netbook.
It's a good idea to change your geometry to 240 heads like your netbook will use it.
TestDisk might complain it, because you use it on an USB-controller.
But this will be normal and should/can be ignored.
Now it's time to change your partition types.
It means, change both partition like described to Windows RE and hid: NTFS
Write all three partitions at Write into your partition table.

Have a try to recover your netbook.

CrystalDiskInfo reports the S.M.A.R.T. values.
If you ran chkdsk and chkdsk repaired it, it might be possible that CrystalDiskInfo still display the message because sectors were previously marked?
Difficult to judge on using USB.
Your second report from chkdsk didn't find any error at all.
Now the best solution would be, have a try to repair your netbook.
If this works, you should repeat the HDD-diagnose using your internal controller and either the diagnose tool from the disk manufacturer or using one from this page. ... R.T._tools

If repair works and you would get bad values about your disk and you should replace it, you can easily clone your disk to a new one.
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Re: Help with damaged disk

#28 Post by momefarley »

Fiona wrote:Have a try to recover your netbook.
Your second report from chkdsk didn't find any error at all.
I put the drive back in the netbook and attempted to reinstall all the original software. It hangs rather soon - with an error message. The first one I got was Error 10-FC12-0037, and the next attempt it was something different which I didn't copy down...

The report from chkdsk you refer to above is from the HDDRecovery partition. The first one (in text file) was from the main (large) partition. I didn't check the large partition a second time...

Hmmmmm.... :?: :roll: :?:

Maybe I should give up on repair?
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Re: Help with damaged disk

#29 Post by Fiona »

Infos about your error messages; ... a205-s5864 ... ery-discs/
There are a lot in the net.
Might be possible that the disk is defective?
Would it be possible to create revovery-DVDs.

It's difficult to diagnose a disk on USB.
Please load hdtune /Free) and make an error scan (it scans the surface), so you can better determine ist your disk faulty or not!
If you have read errors, replace it!
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Re: Help with damaged disk

#30 Post by momefarley »

I think the disk is defective. It's still not acting right - actually worse than before.

Here is the HD Tune report:

I think I'm going to give up and buy a new one...

Thank you SO MUCH for all your help!!!