Partition damaged

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Partition damaged

#1 Post by Onozimak »

(sorry for my bad english)
I use ubuntu 13.04 and windows 7 in my notebook, the ubuntu only had 70GB for him but i was thinking of fully using ubuntu and i tried to gather more space for it so i partitioned my hd again(in the 1st time nothing went wrong) but when the GParted finished i saw that my windows partition was impossible to acess from ubuntu so i tried to enter windows directly but i cant even do that, when i used testdisk step by step solution i couldn't acess the files either because it say this:Image
someone can help me? :cry:
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Re: Partition damaged

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Try TestDisk 7.0-WIP. If it doesn't work better, you can always use PhotoRec to recover your data. Unfortunately recovered files won't have their original filenames.