6 hours & I'm still lost.... Heeeellllpppp!!!!!!

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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6 hours & I'm still lost.... Heeeellllpppp!!!!!!

#1 Post by St0pThatN0w »

Hi guys. I have taken pictures of my son for the first time wearing his bear suit. He's 1 & he ran off in it & I filmed him using my phone. I could never recreate that moment so I am quite eager to retrieve the file from my faulty SD card. I get into the card, choose the FAT32 section, where I think it's located, but then I don't know what to do. I can't create a file for it to dump the files in to.I wait while it checks the files, it finishes, but nothing has changed. I'm just lost.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


God bless
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Re: 6 hours & I'm still lost.... Heeeellllpppp!!!!!!

#2 Post by cgrenier »
