RAID-5 - Array/Volume missing

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 12 Dec 2013, 22:54

RAID-5 - Array/Volume missing

#1 Post by nooitgedacht »

Hi Folks,

I had bought an Intel SSD to load windows faster, with the special software, for Intel SSD's.
Before I had the SSD drive connected, I has disconnect my RAID 5 system (because my power supply have not enough of power, but it works already for one year). I connect the new SSD to my system, and Install the software and my system works great and faster, except with my RAID-5, which is not connected.

On a day, I need some documents, which were stored on my RAID-5 system. I reconnect my RAID-5 to my computer and I was shocked.

Because I see only the first partition of the first array and volume. But where is my second array (if I can remember, that I configured 2 arrays) and where is my second volume with my two partitions?

How can I get them back?

RST says only that I can create a new one, but I want my data / photo's back and not to loose them.
Even in my BIOS, there is only one array / volume present.

Any help will be very appreciated.

Additional info.

Mainboard dz68bc bios 0028
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
4x 2tb harddisks.
I am running the latest RST/drivers.

I has also tried to get help from Intel community, but no any serious response as this:

>If you disconnected the drives that were on you RAID 5 just by reconnecting the drives all configuration and >information should be in there as it was before.

>The RAID 5 configuration provides redundancy and parity on all disks; meaning that it will have a portion of >information in all the drives.

I have also tried many raid recovery programs, but without success.
These programs seen only the first array/volume and that's all, they don't look/scan the next parts of the disks.

I am afraid, when I create a new array/volume, that the damage will be bigger and without any success to recovery my data of the 2 partitions.