Second partitio displaying as RAW Topic is solved

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Re: Second partitio displaying as RAW

#11 Post by Fiona »

Hi Andy

Thanks for your reply! :)

In your case it looks like that your 2 TB-harddrive didn't know exactly, am I an UEFI-partition or Intel MBR.
Reason is, Infos from TestDisk says it's an Intel MBR but your partition geometry points at UEFI.
It's the value 32 sectors per head in your partition structur.
I've mostly seen it on UEFI.
Intel MBR should be 63 sectors per head.
That's why I suggested to try a disk geometry of 63 sectors per head.
But it didn't help as much either, because TestDisk didnt find that partition.
So it looks like that your partition was created this way.
Recommendation might be, don't use any third party disk utilies on this disk.
