Possibly a simple boot or partition problem?

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Possibly a simple boot or partition problem?

#1 Post by Stargirl »


I accidentally plugged out my external hard drive before it had finished whatever it was doing and then next time i plugged it in it was asking me to format...

At first i thought all my files had been erased, so i recovered them, only to find that the recovered files were actually the ones i did delete, meaning all my files are okay, i just can't access them.
When i ran chkdsk, i found out it was a boot problem...

What i'm confused about now is that both my boot sector and backup are ok, but boot code and partition information are not identical. Does anyone know what may be the problem? And how to fix it?

Also, my hard drive seems to have only one primary bootable partition (FAT 32) (as i probably never created more when i first got it).

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as i don't want to try something myself and make it worse, since i think this should be only a minor problem...

Thanks! :)
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Re: Possibly a simple boot or partition problem?

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Choose List, if you see your files and can navigate in subdirectory, choose "Org BS"
If it failed, choose "Backup BS". If after that, List doesn't work, use RebuildBS, List (again). If this time, you can see your files, choose Write and confirm.
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Re: Possibly a simple boot or partition problem?

#3 Post by Stargirl »

I can see all the files in list (and they are all in white font, so still on the drive).
I did OrgBS (so now both sectors are identical) and then chose write and confirmed and then restarted both my computer and hard drive, but nothing.
Still asking to format...and if i double-click on the hard drive, my laptop gives me this error:
"G:\ is not accessible. The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted."

Should i try BackupBS or RebuildBS? Or are those to be used only if i can't list my files?

Thank you!