Using TestDisk to undelete files
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Posts: 2
Joined: 06 Jan 2014, 19:26


#1 Post by ZeDeKoLaM »

Good Day Sir/Madam I am currently running Linux Mint Release 9(Isadora)... Yesterday I accidentally deleted the contents in my "Mozilla" folder. I didn't delete the actual folder just the contents inside. Because of this I was not able to access the internet. So, from file browser(The home page of the Username) I later clicked on the computer Main Menu clicked edit, and clicked "Open as Administrator," right clicked show hidden files, then I clicked on Mozilla folder, and I saw all the contents in the folder, and I used that to give me an idea as to what all should be inside my folder before I deleted it . Then I made new folders inside my actual account with all the folder names that were inside of the administrator's Mozilla main folder I.E. "Cache", "bookmarkbackups", "Webapps", etc I renamed them all .....And after I did that I was able to use the internet again without longing on as Administrator, but my deleted "Mozilla" contents are still lost, and I want to know if I can get them back or not, and if so how?