Testdisk in osx does not see the disk?

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Testdisk in osx does not see the disk?

#1 Post by toke »

I dropped a cup to my mbp's corner where hdd is.
Disk Utility sees the disk when it's attached with seagate's adapter, but there's a message "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer."
First Testdisk saw the disk and managed to make an image of few hundred megabytes, but now Testdisk can't find even the disk, let alone partitions.
Just wondering why DU sees "the about to be broken disk" as "disk3", but it's not on Testdisk's list?
"Disk3" is also listed in /dev.

Btw, this is second time I wrote this question and last time the question just disappeared, are moderators active on this area?