
Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Posts: 1
Joined: 07 Mar 2014, 14:38


#1 Post by collingstewart »

I have a friend in France and I'm trying to help him from the US. He unplugged his Adata CH94 mid-file transfer and now the system wants to format. I got him to download Test Disk and run it. After running Deeper Search, it suggested changing the geometry of the disk from 255 to 16. Will this harm the data? Test Disk, at this point, has not shown me ANY partitions. The attached is a screen shot he sent me after Deeper Search was completed. I have other screen shots he sent previously. HELP!
testdisk scan3.png
testdisk scan3.png (33.91 KiB) Viewed 2124 times
Posts: 10
Joined: 07 Apr 2014, 12:12

Re: Geometry

#2 Post by TestdiskForTheWin »

collingstewart wrote:I have a friend in France and I'm trying to help him from the US. He unplugged his Adata CH94 mid-file transfer and now the system wants to format. I got him to download Test Disk and run it. After running Deeper Search, it suggested changing the geometry of the disk from 255 to 16. Will this harm the data? Test Disk, at this point, has not shown me ANY partitions. The attached is a screen shot he sent me after Deeper Search was completed. I have other screen shots he sent previously. HELP!
I'm not sure if this is true but the changes to the storage are temporary unless you choose to save permanently after discovering that the (temporary) changes make drive storage work better