STRANGE! After search = No partition found!

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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STRANGE! After search = No partition found!

#1 Post by ninja »


I've a WD 2TB external drive. With one single partition of 2000GB.
After I update my S.O. from Win7 to Win 8.1 all problem started: sometime it was explorable other not reconised.
Now it is visible in disk managemet as RAW.

I'm interested in recoverying data and reuse the HDD.

I've used TESTDISK --> Analyze --> Quick search (see pic1 in attachement). Quick searh actually lasted 1 day.

During quick search I received the message read error. What does it mean?
After quick search: NOTHING! It simply do not list any partition. (see pic2 in attachment)

Now my options are: A = Add a partition; L = Load backup; Enter: to continue.

What should I do? Thanks in advance.
During Quick search
During Quick search
Pic1.png (17.32 KiB) Viewed 2740 times
After quick search
After quick search
Pic2.png (12.21 KiB) Viewed 2740 times
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Re: STRANGE! After search = No partition found!

#2 Post by NewTycoon »

I will be glad if someone comes up with a solution for this. Am facing the same problem and it's been a day still searching for files and it's showing me the "Read Error" message. it looks like it will take about two more days to finish and is highly likes to produce no results, anyone help please.

Thank you in Advance
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Re: STRANGE! After search = No partition found!

#3 Post by cgrenier »

It looks like all read operations failed. There can be several possibilities:
- bad sectors, in this case, the best is to clone the disk to a new empty one using gnu ddrescue
- insuffisant rights, you aren't in the administrators group. You may also need to use Right-click "Run As Administrator"
- bad disk driver for Windows. Check the disk on another computer or boot your computer from a Linux LiveCD