windows7 formated ntfs to ext4!!

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Joined: 31 May 2014, 23:35

windows7 formated ntfs to ext4!!

#1 Post by manuelsongokuh »


i need help!!, my second harddisk 500gb, there are 3 partition:
sdb1 60gb for windows ntfs
sdb2 400gb for my-data ext4
sdb3 7mb for (i dont know) ntfs

durant installation windows 7 , said cant to install to 60gb "Setup was unable to create a new system partition...bla bla"
so i go to link : ... ition.html

i did command of windows:
DiskPart <ENTER>
list disk <ENTER> (i select volume is 0 it's 60gb, and volume 1 it is 400gb (ext4)
select volume 0 <ENTER>
clean <ENTER>
create partition primary align=1024 <ENTER>
format fs=ntfs <ENTER> (Will Take a While) this is started to formated until 2% and i stop because i was understand it's formated all partition of my second harddisk!!! so i close terminal of ms dos windows and exit the installation windows 7 and i check my linux form my first harddisk and said that second harddisk is not i open this topic to ask you to help me for recovery my second harddisk 500gb HOW.....
testfdisk can recovery???? please respond me,..,... sigh sigh sigh
I HATEEEE WINDOWSS 7 because it is not clear DAMNNN..

then i hope to recovery.....sigh sigh
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Joined: 01 Apr 2014, 00:12

Re: windows7 formated ntfs to ext4!!

#2 Post by Vissel »

well its possible,please read the manual first,
a lot of people are busy to explain to everyone the processes.
What do you see after fdsik -l command?