Recovering MySQL Database from EXT4 Formatted Hard Disk

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Recovering MySQL Database from EXT4 Formatted Hard Disk

#1 Post by ckoeber »


I am trying to recover MySQL databases (which were properly shut down) from an EXT4 formatted hard disk. I loaded the SystemRescueCD distro that has PhotoRec 6.12 on it.

With PhotoRec, I can recover parts of the MySQL Database but I cannot get the important *.IBD files (Files that have the InnoDB database data) on it because I guess PhotoRec doesn't have the signatures for that type of file. I loaded the extensions using the custom signature file feature and I believe I can get the "FRM" files (table structure files).

Anyone have experience recovering complete MySQL databases? I tried TestDisk but the partition itself isn't recoverable but PhotoRec can recover a lot of files that were on the disk.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

Thank you for your time.


Chris K.
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Re: Recovering MySQL Database from EXT4 Formatted Hard Disk

#2 Post by cgrenier »

.frm files should already be recovered by PhotoRec but so far I have never find a way to identify InnoDB files. Maybe a Mysql developer may have a clever idea to identify the beginning of a file.
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Re: Recovering MySQL Database from EXT4 Formatted Hard Disk

#3 Post by ckoeber »

OK, thanks so much. I'll head to the MySQL forums and post back so you can add, if you choose.
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Re: Recovering MySQL Database from EXT4 Formatted Hard Disk

#4 Post by cgrenier »

Ok, please let me know of the results.