Unable to restore 64gb ultra microSD, disk too small

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Re: Unable to restore 64gb ultra microSD, disk too small

#21 Post by vanilla »

Ok, i'll try and let you know later.
I really hope it can restore the missing videos and photos that other recovery software couldn't do.
Or do you think they are damaged and can't be restored?
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Re: Unable to restore 64gb ultra microSD, disk too small

#22 Post by Fiona »

I'm more excited about the results.
Please let me know.
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Re: Unable to restore 64gb ultra microSD, disk too small

#23 Post by vanilla »

11,000+ files restored to my comp last night. So far I see a few of the videos loaded and working fine. But since there are many many files, I'll need some time to confirm if all are fine.

So far it's working well though. I really thank you for your help Fiona. I will update again when I'm done going through all files.
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Re: Unable to restore 64gb ultra microSD, disk too small

#24 Post by vanilla »


I looked through the files but it seems like only 9 recup_dir folders out of 23 folders recovered files normally. The other 14 folders seem to be repeat in copying the same exact file. Why is it like that? Do I have to scan again and again till all my files are recovered?
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Re: Unable to restore 64gb ultra microSD, disk too small

#25 Post by Fiona »

I think there shouldn't be any difference if you repeat scanning.
The results would be probably the same.
Something to try would be to scan your sdcard using commercial software.
You could try restorer ultimate and file scavenger?
Please download a trial only and check the results.