My 2TB Hard disk is now showing only 20GB :(

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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My 2TB Hard disk is now showing only 20GB :(

#1 Post by chbhargava »

Experts, need help desperately..

My 2TB hard disk WAS working perfectly in Windows7, then I did this blunder..
- I connected it to Kubuntu
- Then, using fdisk deleted all partitions and created one partition..
- Then using mkfs.ntfs I formatted it..
==> That's it.. from then onwards, it shows the size as 20GB ..

Quick Search from TestDisk shows this:
There is this error:
Analyse cylinder 2432/2431: 100%
Read error at 2431/254/63 (lba=39070079)
Then shows this partition:
Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive1 - 20 GB / 18 GiB - CHS 2432 255 63
Partition Start End Size in sectors
>* FAT32 LBA 0 32 33 2431 216 25 39065600 [NEW VOLUME]

Deep Search does not get my partition, showing following errors:
check_FAT: Unusual number of reserved sectors 4 (FAT), should be 1.
Warning: number of heads/cylinder mismatches 64 (FAT) != 255 (HD)
Warning: number of sectors per track mismatches 32 (FAT) != 63 (HD)
Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive1 - 20 GB / 18 GiB - CHS 2432 255 63
Partition Start End Size in sectors
D FAT32 LBA 0 32 33 2431 216 25 39065600 [NEW VOLUME]
P Linux 0 32 33 2432 26 26 39069696
D Linux 5 90 20 7 100 27 32768 [OEM]
D Linux 5 90 22 7 100 29 32768 [OEM]
D FAT16 <32M 15 140 62 17 151 6 32768
D Linux 17 216 8 148 99 15 2097152 [ROOT-A]
>D Linux 175 235 61 306 119 5 2097152 [STATE]

Is there anyway, I can get back my 2TB ?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: My 2TB Hard disk is now showing only 20GB :(

#2 Post by Fiona »

What OS do you normally use?
Did you test your disk in another PC.
Also use the diagnose tool from the disk manufacturer.
In some cases, it was a firmware problem.
But before you touch/modify your firmware, any other reason should be excluded.
Info in case will follow.

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Re: My 2TB Hard disk is now showing only 20GB :(

#3 Post by chbhargava »

Thanks for quick reply..

I normally use Windows 7.. I used it in other laptops too.. it was working..
Out of enthusiasm :ugeek: , I formatted in Linux (Kubuntu 14.04), then it got shrunk..
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Re: My 2TB Hard disk is now showing only 20GB :(

#4 Post by Fiona »

Might be possible that your firmware got changed?
You can have a look into this topic: ... n-t32.html
Please check your disk using the windows disk management console and run a diagnose using the diagnosis tool from your disk manufacturer, before you're going to modify anything to your disk.
Also consider to use warranty to replace your disk.

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Re: My 2TB Hard disk is now showing only 20GB :(

#5 Post by chbhargava »

Tried Hdat2, but as I've connected it as USB device - could not do much.
How can I connect it to internal SATA ports to get it discovered in "HDD Capacity Restore" tool?
- Shall I have to open the HDD case, and connect it as internal drive? OR is there any other option?
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Re: My 2TB Hard disk is now showing only 20GB :(

#6 Post by Fiona »

From hdat2 there is an iso with USB-support available.
USB is a different standard and the features are limited.
That's why it would be better to connect your disk internally.
HDD capacity restore tool didn't work in some cases.
But it's worth a try and much easier.
Open your enclosure can void warranty.
That's why use it at your own risk.
You should only consider to open your enclosure and running this procedure if you have to recover important data.
If not, you should use warranty instead?
