can't use TestDisk (Mac)

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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can't use TestDisk (Mac)

#1 Post by macevanscb »

I'm broke before I get started.
The arrow keys don't work in TestDisk under Mac OS X 10.6.1.
Are there any Terminal gurus out there that can help me???
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Re: can't use TestDisk (Mac)

#2 Post by remy »

more info needed to catch Christophe Grenier attention on your problem :
-what version of testdisk you tried ?
-do you have other return on the command line, like errors ?
-did you launch testdisk as root ?

Note that it seems there's a problem with testdisk/mac since some days but I can't be sure your problem is related to.

CG won't have access to a mac in the next ten days but we are doing some testings.
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Re: can't use TestDisk (Mac)

#3 Post by macevanscb »

-what version of testdisk you tried ?
The current download for Mac: v7.0

-do you have other return on the command line, like errors ?
I can't even quit normally... I have to ctl-X out to get back to the command prompt, so nothing is returned.

-did you launch testdisk as root ?
I'm doing sudo ./testdisk and entering the root password.

No rush on this... been dinking around with this drive for over a month.