Found Partitions But Can't Recover Them - BADSECTORS

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Found Partitions But Can't Recover Them - BADSECTORS

#1 Post by falm36 »


My WD External HD was working great. Yesterday when i plugged it in pc after a month, it gives error of making it format. Tried using testwin, initially it was showing bad sector - bad, tried build IS then it showed bad sector - ok. but still partition not accessible. Also it can't list the files. Pls help me out.

Now m again using build IS, its showing something else, (screenshot attached). What to do??
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Re: Found Partitions But Can't Recover Them - BADECTORS

#2 Post by remy »

Most of recent WD external disks are encrypted by interface. You can't use it inside a PC (direct sata attached) to recover the data.