recovery of larger .mov files

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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recovery of larger .mov files

#1 Post by ftzfl »

i've successfully used photorec 6.14 to recover several files from a cf card i recently formatted but it failed to recover only the files that are most important to me: two 8-10min .mov files that are roughly 10x the size of the other .mov files (which were recovered). is there a size limit to the files that photorec can recover, or can this be related to transparent compression enabled on my mac (10.6.8)? photorec did produce the .jpg files corresponding to the .mov files i want.

finally, what are the .apple and .gz files in the recovery folder? do i need these?
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Re: recovery of larger .mov files

#2 Post by Fiona »

is there a size limit to the files that photorec can recover, or can this be related to transparent compression enabled on my mac (10.6.8)?
Ther is no file size limit and I don't think ist depend on transparent compression.
Would it be possible that your move files are fragmented?
Don't use defrag if you want to recover data.
It makes file recovery impossible.
Especially about transparent compression, would it be possible to send a description and a pattern to Christophe Grenier;
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Re: recovery of larger .mov files

#3 Post by ftzfl »

i suppose i don't know how or why the larger files i'm seeking would be fragmented unless that's the method of storage used on cf cards, but i do know that the files were not corrupted in any way before i formatted the cf card.
i'm quite sure i haven't consciously defragged anything; i don't even know how to do that with a cf card or a mac.
Fiona wrote:would it be possible to send a description and a pattern ...
the description and pattern refers to what exactly? is this in the report?
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Re: recovery of larger .mov files

#4 Post by Fiona »

There is no necessity to defrag a flash card.
Please write a short explanation about your problem and attach one file as an example.
File should be zipped.
That's it!

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Re: recovery of larger .mov files

#5 Post by ftzfl »

ok, i can do that - so i should attach a file that i did successfully recover as an example? and that will be useful to help understand why i can't get the two larger ones?
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Re: recovery of larger .mov files

#6 Post by Fiona »

A short explanation and one file as zipped might be ok.
It's not necessary to take a recovered, but just a normal one.
And it's only intended if your transparent compression makes any difference.
