Sanity Check Recovering Data w/McAfee Encrypted Hard Drive

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Re: Sanity Check Recovering Data w/McAfee Encrypted Hard Dri

#11 Post by TheJoeFletch »

Fiona wrote:Your disk looks absolutely ok.
TestDisk Advanced and the message that your boot sector and its backup are bad are probably a result of mcafee encryption.
If your boot sector and file system are encrypted, datarecovery software nor testdisk wouldn't probably find any reasonable result, like a valid boot sector nor file system (MFT).
Ok, that sounds good to me.
Fiona wrote:There shouldn't be anything changed using testdisk.
As far as I know, I have not changed anything related to the hard drive.
Fiona wrote:Did you already have a look for that link above and the description how to create a win PE builder CD and have a try to decrypt your disk?
It should be done first.
I did look at the details that you posted earlier. But I do not have access to any of the McAfee Endpoint Encryption software.
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Re: Sanity Check Recovering Data w/McAfee Encrypted Hard Dri

#12 Post by Fiona »

Did you try to create a win PE builder Live CD?
There should be a plugin as described in that link above:
3 Open Microsoft Windows Explorer and navigate to the
\pebuilderxxxxx\plugin folder.
denotes the version number of
to the desired location. Copy Win32 folder from EETech\WinPE folder to the \pebuilderxxxxx\plugin folder.
It might be possible to run McAfee Endpoint Encryption within your PE builder live CD without getting a BSOD and have another try to repair and decrypt your partition?

Please let me know your OS.
It's important, because Bart's PE Builder is normally related to winXP.
Do you still have a WinXp-CD?
Often a normal Win-PE-Live CD works too.

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Re: Sanity Check Recovering Data w/McAfee Encrypted Hard Dri

#13 Post by TheJoeFletch »

Fiona wrote:Did you try to create a win PE builder Live CD?
There should be a plugin as described in that link above:
3 Open Microsoft Windows Explorer and navigate to the
\pebuilderxxxxx\plugin folder.
denotes the version number of
to the desired location. Copy Win32 folder from EETech\WinPE folder to the \pebuilderxxxxx\plugin folder.
It might be possible to run McAfee Endpoint Encryption within your PE builder live CD without getting a BSOD and have another try to repair and decrypt your partition?

Please let me know your OS.
It's important, because Bart's PE Builder is normally related to winXP.
Do you still have a WinXp-CD?
Often a normal Win-PE-Live CD works too.


I did not try any of the items you mentioned above. I gave up and brought it into my company's IT department. But I brought it into a different IT location and I had a GREAT experience. They knew that they had to decrypt the drive and fix the Windows issue. Which they did, without a complaint. So I am back up and running.

Thanks for your help and responses!