how to compile with LVM support?

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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how to compile with LVM support?

#1 Post by dfuse »


my virtualbox crashed and I'm trying to recover some files from the corrupt .vdi file using this guide: ... achine-vdi

I get quite far, Testdisk finds the corrupted partition but when I press 'P' to list the contents it says it was compiled without LVM support. I'm on Centos 6.5 btw, in a virtual machine. I installed testdisk from the RHEL EPEL repository. I also tried with downloading the static version from the site itself (7 beta and 6.14 release).

I have now downloaded the source and want to compile it myself to include the LVM support, but ./configure --help doesn't list any option to include LVM support? Only reiserfs, ntfs, jpg, etc.

How do I get a testdisk version that includes LVM support? I'm so close to recovering my files... :)