Recover zero length files

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Joined: 25 Jul 2014, 17:03

Re: Recover zero length files

#11 Post by jtech1 »

Thank you. I am actually in the process of doing that now. I have an identical sized drive. I have had it running the last 10 hours making an image file on the new drive (with log)... but I am wondering if it will fail at the end because it will be a few sectors short... do I need to be doing a full disk t disk image instead of an image file with identical sized drives? If I let it finish and it is short some space, will testdisk work on what is there?
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Re: Recover zero length files

#12 Post by jtech1 »

Is there any way in testdisk to view the NTFS record info when you have a file list on screen? This drive was an archive drive, so all files were written sequentially... if I could just get the NTFS entries for a zero length file, I could then try yo piece together the sequence of clusters involved... and seeing the file before and after would probably tell me exactly where the zero length file started and ended also. Is there any way to get this info from testdisk or any tool?

I don't think Photorec is an option, unless I knew where the file area started for the zero length file and photorec had a way to start it at a certain point...

I'd really appreciate any advice on whether testdisk/photorec can do this for me or if it is beyond their capabilities. I'd even consider a $$$ solution at this point of anyone could point me to one.
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Re: Recover zero length files

#13 Post by jtech1 »

Would appreciate help with the above question... also, why testdisk is not showing any error when I copy these files... ie. the files show a valid size in the NTFS record displayed in testdisk... but the copy results in a zero length file on the destination drive, and testdisk says 1 file copied successfully. testdisk must know that zero bytes are being copied... and should be able to show an error indicating why. This would be very helpful in being able to track this down. Being able to see the NTFS records for a file would be very helpful also... even just in the log.

Any any idea why the testdisk log file stops at a certain point? When the zero length file error occurs the log has already stopped storing... so I can't see any info about the file copy at all.

I would greatly appreciate nay info you can help me with here. testdisk is a great utility...
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Joined: 25 Jul 2014, 17:03

Re: Recover zero length files

#14 Post by jtech1 »
