Rebuilding NTFS boot sector

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Joined: 06 Aug 2014, 11:25

Rebuilding NTFS boot sector

#1 Post by amgbg »

External HDD.

I can see the folders in Root and I can click them and enter, that is all. All the content is gone.

According to properties file system is NFTS and there is 1.14 TB used space, 690 GB unused space. Those figures are correct.

I cannot do chkdsk. Chkdsk says the HDD is RAW.

TestDisk says:
Boot sector
ntfs_boot_sector: Can't read boot sector
Status: Bad

Backup boot sector
ntfs_boot_sector: Can't read backup boot sector
Status: Bad

Sectors are identical

Rebuilding BS with TestDisk takes hour after hour. Would take days with the same speed to rebuild the BS.

Anyone with a better solution to save the contents of HDD?
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Joined: 12 Aug 2014, 14:51

Re: Rebuilding NTFS boot sector

#2 Post by taniapdx »

I am having the exact same problem. Would appreciate a walk through of steps to try to rebuild the partition.

I have a WD HDD 1021 1.5TB external Harddrive.

I get through the analyses and it gives read errors the whole time and then says No Partition Found. I get the option to add a partition but frankly I just don't know what type of partition I should tell it to attempt, so I get stalled at that point.