Partition write error

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Partition write error

#1 Post by Robertino »

My external hard drive (Touro 4TB) NTFS formatted with only one partition suddenly shows the following error in Win7: File or directory corrupted or unreadable.
So I ran TESTDISK as administrator to repair the partition.
I select CREATE, then select the hard disk in question (which btw appears three times) and PROCEED, then INTEL, ANALYSE, QUICK SEARCH, ENTER, WRITE and when I confirm with Y get the error mentioned above . Any idea?
The log file is attached.
Forgive for my poor English.
Many thanks
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Re: Partition write error

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Try TestDisk, Advanced, List.
You can also run "cmd" (right click "run as administrator") and "chkdsk /f d:" (replace d: by the correct drive letter).
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Re: Partition write error

#3 Post by Robertino »

Running chkdsk as indicated I got the following error: "Unable to determine volume version and state. CHKDSK aborted".

Running testdisk as indicated I got the list of all files on the hard disk. Then I try to copy one of them on drive C:.
I got the message "copy done! 1 ok, 0 failed", then quit until the program ends. Then I go to the destination directory on drive C: but there are no files. The same also after rebooting the PC.
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Re: Partition write error

#4 Post by Robertino »

My mistake. I was looking for the file in the wrong directory. The file exported is present and undamaged in the destination directory. Now I will proceed to copy all the files in another medium and then will reformat the hard disk.
I'll keep you updated.
Thanks for the support.