Dear friends,
Forgive me for my bad English. I'm using Google Translator.
There are some days I'm using the PhotoRec 6.14 (photorec_win.exe) to recover files from a RAW image of my 320GB HardDisk.
The image was generated by the Linux DD command with the parameters conv = noerror, sync, to ensure that could cover the whole disk, since Bad Blocks were found in half of the disc (+ - 160 000 000 bytes)
The size of the IMAGE DD that was generated was 320,062,095,360 Bytes.
I used the command photorec_win / debug / log / dk: \ Recover_614_imagem / cmd "k: \ image [0-320062095360]. Dd" partition_none, options, expert, paranoid, fileopt, everything, enable, search
Over 11,000 files have been recovered, with the program running for more than 45 hours, something strange is happening:
When the count of sectors (x / 625,121,280) reaches approximately 304 million it back to about 160 million, in a cycle that is already there just 45 hours.
Attempts to use PhotoRec directly from the hard tambéma showed the same symptom.
Can anyone help me solve this?
Thank you,
Sector Counter Back and Back
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