Sector Counter Back and Back

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Joined: 26 Apr 2012, 17:28

Sector Counter Back and Back

#1 Post by krek2005 »

Dear friends,

Forgive me for my bad English. I'm using Google Translator.

There are some days I'm using the PhotoRec 6.14 (photorec_win.exe) to recover files from a RAW image of my 320GB HardDisk.

The image was generated by the Linux DD command with the parameters conv = noerror, sync, to ensure that could cover the whole disk, since Bad Blocks were found in half of the disc (+ - 160 000 000 bytes)

The size of the IMAGE DD that was generated was 320,062,095,360 Bytes.

I used the command photorec_win / debug / log / dk: \ Recover_614_imagem / cmd "k: \ image [0-320062095360]. Dd" partition_none, options, expert, paranoid, fileopt, everything, enable, search

Over 11,000 files have been recovered, with the program running for more than 45 hours, something strange is happening:

When the count of sectors (x / 625,121,280) reaches approximately 304 million it back to about 160 million, in a cycle that is already there just 45 hours.

Attempts to use PhotoRec directly from the hard tambéma showed the same symptom.

Can anyone help me solve this?

Thank you,