My Bad!! I accidentally formatted NTFS toext4

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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My Bad!! I accidentally formatted NTFS toext4

#1 Post by BoyntonStu »

Installing Ubuntu 11.10 onto a 100 GB Windows HD from a live CD, I accidentally ended up with a small FAT 16 and the rest ext4.

Please don't ask, the answer is no.

Is there a way or a company that can recover the data?

I did not write after the error.
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Re: My Bad!! I accidentally formatted NTFS toext4

#2 Post by Fiona »

It's depend on did you write into your file system.
Linux file system creates superblocks and writes their backups across the feile system.
Thats why a file system is often damaged, so that TestDisk can't recover it directly.
Is there a way or a company that can recover the data?
You shouldn't need a company, but datarecovery software can do the job.
You can have a try to use PhotoRec.
Otherwise if you require directories and file names, you can have a look for commercial software.
