NFTS partition get smaller

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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NFTS partition get smaller

#1 Post by Comanderblack »

Hi. I don't know if I should post this here or in Partition Recovery. If it is in the wrong section, I'm sorry.

I have a 1,5 TB HDD, and I used it to install a Win 7 using 1,2 TB of it. All was going fine until yesterday, when turning on the computer, it doesn't load Windows (but It starts to load, you can see the Windows logo moving).

Then, I entered in system recuperation mode (loaded successfully), and check the C: partition with a CHKDSK only read. And it says that the partition has a size of 100 MB (in the installation, many time ago, I give it 1,2 TB). So i have runned a testdisk scan (only read) and this is the logfile
testdisk wrote:

Code: Select all

Thu Sep 25 22:41:53 2014
Command line: TestDisk

TestDisk 6.14, Data Recovery Utility, July 2013
Christophe GRENIER <>
OS: Windows 7 (7600)
Compiler: GCC 4.7, MinGW 3.11
Compilation date: Jul 30 2013 14:09:04
ext2fs lib: none, ntfs lib: 10:0:0, reiserfs lib: none, ewf lib: 20120504
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\PhysicalDrive0)=1500301910016
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\PhysicalDrive1)=8111783936
filewin32_getfilesize(\\.\PhysicalDrive2) GetFileSize err Función incorrecta.

filewin32_setfilepointer(\\.\PhysicalDrive2) SetFilePointer err Función incorrecta.

Warning: can't get size for \\.\PhysicalDrive2
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\C:)=104857600
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\D:)=1363043942400
filewin32_getfilesize(\\.\E:) GetFileSize err Función incorrecta.

filewin32_setfilepointer(\\.\E:) SetFilePointer err Función incorrecta.

Warning: can't get size for \\.\E:
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\F:)=8107655168
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\G:)=0
Warning: can't get size for \\.\G:
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\X:)=3162112
Hard disk list
Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive0 - 1500 GB / 1397 GiB - CHS 182401 255 63, sector size=512
Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive1 - 8111 MB / 7736 MiB - CHS 986 255 63, sector size=512
Drive C: - 104 MB / 100 MiB - CHS 12 255 63, sector size=512
Drive D: - 1363 GB / 1269 GiB - CHS 165713 255 63, sector size=512
Drive F: - 8107 MB / 7732 MiB - CHS 985 255 63, sector size=512
Drive X: - 3162 KB / 3088 KiB - CHS 193 16 2, sector size=512

Partition table type (auto): Intel
Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive0 - 1500 GB / 1397 GiB
Partition table type: Intel

Analyse Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive0 - 1500 GB / 1397 GiB - CHS 182401 255 63
Geometry from i386 MBR: head=255 sector=63
NTFS at 0/32/33
NTFS at 12/223/20
Current partition structure:
 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33    12 223 19     204800 [Reservado para el sistema]
 2 P HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 165726 219 61 2662195200

Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive0 - 1500 GB / 1397 GiB - CHS 182401 255 63
NTFS at 0/32/33
filesystem size           204800
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   8533
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33    12 223 19     204800 [Reservado para el sistema]
     NTFS, blocksize=4096, 104 MB / 100 MiB
NTFS at 12/223/20
filesystem size           2662195200
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 165726 219 61 2662195200
     NTFS, blocksize=4096, 1363 GB / 1269 GiB

   * HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33    12 223 19     204800 [Reservado para el sistema]
     NTFS, blocksize=4096, 104 MB / 100 MiB
   P HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 165726 219 61 2662195200
     NTFS, blocksize=4096, 1363 GB / 1269 GiB

 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33    12 223 19     204800 [Reservado para el sistema]
 2 P HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 165726 219 61 2662195200

Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive0 - 1500 GB / 1397 GiB - CHS 182401 255 63
NTFS at 0/32/33
filesystem size           204800
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   8533
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33    12 223 19     204800 [Reservado para el sistema]
     NTFS, blocksize=4096, 104 MB / 100 MiB
NTFS at 12/223/19
filesystem size           204800
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   8533
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33    12 223 19     204800 [Reservado para el sistema]
     NTFS found using backup sector, blocksize=4096, 104 MB / 100 MiB
NTFS at 12/223/20
filesystem size           2662195200
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 165726 219 61 2662195200
     NTFS, blocksize=4096, 1363 GB / 1269 GiB
BAD_RS LBA=589365729 289189
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 06
     FAT16 >32M           36686  81 37 214916 228  4 2863274179
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=589365729, size=2863274179, end=3452639907, disk end=2930277168)
BAD_RS LBA=3434312362 10035311
check_FAT: can't read FAT boot sector
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 01
     FAT12                213776  14 41 391318 148 41 2852220673
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=3434312362, size=2852220673, end=1991565738, disk end=2930277168)
BAD_RS LBA=600716423 11014658
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 04
     FAT16 <32M           304742  55 25 482626  43 53 2857705733
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=600716423, size=2857705733, end=3458422155, disk end=2930277168)
BAD_RS LBA=187414357 2131653
check_part_i386 failed for partition type 0C
     FAT32 LBA            279015  90  9 368478 164 39 1437227788
This partition ends after the disk limits. (start=187414357, size=1437227788, end=1624642144, disk end=2930277168)
file_win32_pread(96,16,buffer,2474921984(154056/195/60)) read err: read after end of file
file_win32_pread(96,16,buffer,2474921983(154056/195/59)) read err: read after end of file
file_win32_pread(96,16,buffer,2474921986(154056/195/62)) read err: read after end of file
file_win32_pread(96,16,buffer,2567987216(159849/206/54)) read err: read after end of file
NTFS at 165726/219/61
filesystem size           2662195200
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 165726 219 61 2662195200
     NTFS found using backup sector, blocksize=4096, 1363 GB / 1269 GiB
NTFS at 176027/41/14
filesystem size           2827669504
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 176027  41 14 2827669504
     NTFS found using backup sector, blocksize=4096, 1447 GB / 1348 GiB
NTFS at 182401/35/34
filesystem size           2930067456
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   786432
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
     HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 182401  35 34 2930067456
     NTFS found using backup sector, blocksize=4096, 1500 GB / 1397 GiB
NTFS at 12/223/19
filesystem size           204800
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   8533
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
NTFS at 12/223/19
filesystem size           204800
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   8533
mftmirr_lcn               2
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive0 - 1500 GB / 1397 GiB - CHS 182401 255 63
Check the harddisk size: HD jumpers settings, BIOS detection...
The harddisk (1500 GB / 1397 GiB) seems too small! (< 3969 GB / 3697 GiB)
The following partitions can't be recovered:
     FAT16 >32M           36686  81 37 214916 228  4 2863274179
     FAT12                213776  14 41 391318 148 41 2852220673
     FAT32 LBA            279015  90  9 368478 164 39 1437227788
     FAT16 <32M           304742  55 25 482626  43 53 2857705733

     HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33    12 223 19     204800 [Reservado para el sistema]
     NTFS, blocksize=4096, 104 MB / 100 MiB
     HPFS - NTFS             12 223 19    25 159  5     204800
     NTFS, blocksize=4096, 104 MB / 100 MiB
     HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 165726 219 61 2662195200
     NTFS, blocksize=4096, 1363 GB / 1269 GiB
     HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 176027  41 14 2827669504
     NTFS found using backup sector, blocksize=4096, 1447 GB / 1348 GiB
     HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 182401  35 34 2930067456
     NTFS found using backup sector, blocksize=4096, 1500 GB / 1397 GiB

No partition found or selected for recovery
simulate write!

write_mbr_i386: starting...
write_all_log_i386: starting...
No extended partition

TestDisk exited normally.
Any ideas to recover it? Or it's lost forever. Thanks for reading and sorry for my poor english...