Recovery firebird file from degraded Raid

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Recovery firebird file from degraded Raid

#1 Post by chencho »

Hi all.

I have a trouble with my soft raid (ubuntu).

sda have died, and sdb present bad sectors.

sdb wont to boot, only into grub rescue mode, and i cannot access my files.

Finally i use photorec to recover my files (only needs 2 firebird files, fdb) but into filetype to select, i check fdb (seems asigned to navision files) and nothing is recovered.

If i check doc, pdf or other files, they are recover ok, but not fdb files (wich is the only thing i need)

Any tip?
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Re: Recovery firebird file from degraded Raid

#2 Post by remy »

was it a raid1 ?

what does give

Code: Select all

sudo mdadm --examine /dev/sdb1 
Did you also tried to scan your disk with testdisk ? It should be able to find your partition inside the raid volume, and whil listing with "P", you then may copy your 2 files where you want.

For photorec option : what does give

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./fidentify a_firebird_file
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Re: Recovery firebird file from degraded Raid

#3 Post by chencho »

Yes, its a raid1

I attach sdb to another ubuntu and say insufficient disks to créate raid (or something else)

Fidentify says unknow

Im going to see with testdisk
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Re: Recovery firebird file from degraded Raid

#4 Post by chencho »

sudo mdadm --examine /dev/sdb2 said:

Raid Level: Unknow
Raid devices: 0
Total devices: 1
Active devices: 0
Working devices: 1
Failed devices: 0
Spare devices: 1

Testdisk cannot show me the files, it shows

D Linux (can select P option, shows ext4 as filesystem)
D Raid (same data as "Linux", but cannot select P and filesystem is md127)
* Swap

When press P with Linux selected shows "Filesystem may be damage"
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Re: Recovery firebird file from degraded Raid

#5 Post by remy »

May you give precision about "sda have died"... What does exactely happened ?

May you also give the full mdadm report of --examine, using "code" template :
[ code ] bla bla bla [ / code ] (used without spaces) shows :

Code: Select all

bla bla bla 
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Re: Recovery firebird file from degraded Raid

#6 Post by chencho »

In the office have many power outages, apparently sda disk has many bad sectors and finally not even start

Sdb is supposed to be able to boot, but it does so only grub_rescue, so I can add another disk to the raid, also has bad clusters sdb at the end of the disc.
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Re: Recovery firebird file from degraded Raid

#7 Post by remy »

Problem is that in a raid1 if you have badsectors on sdb, it was perhaps out of raid before sda... that's why I need full report of mdadm --examine.
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Re: Recovery firebird file from degraded Raid

#8 Post by chencho »

instead code... better an image :)

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Re: Recovery firebird file from degraded Raid

#9 Post by remy »

In my opinion, copy/paste is better, but that's OK.
So :
1/ Curious that your disk is a spare in a "unrecognized raid". I would say that it could be the state of a disk while first synchro.
2/ The mdadm status has never been updated : No problem, or... no problem detected.

Knowing that sda has had a problem (you told it's dead), sdb should know that and tell "sda missing".
It's perhaps a possible that sdb was out of the raid before sda was dead. I can't be sure, I would need sda for that...

A way to know is : find your firebird file and check how old it is.

Do you have a file made with same software version ? May you send it to me ?