3TB HD deleted ext4 & formated NTFS Topic is solved

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Re: 3TB HD deleted ext4 & formated NTFS

#11 Post by danblake »

Gotcha, thanks for the explanation. That makes sense.

Here is the screenshot and the current log that should have the "none" scan along with the other scans.

Thanks for the help Fiona.
TestDisk log
(9.15 KiB) Downloaded 583 times
"None" partition scan
"None" partition scan
Screenshot.png (23.17 KiB) Viewed 9567 times
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Re: 3TB HD deleted ext4 & formated NTFS

#12 Post by Fiona »

TestDisk uses Intel geometry.
Would it be possible that your disk is currently a basic and not a GPT disk?
Have you been able to list your files from your ext4-partition by pressing p.

Now I'm still consider to use partition table type Intel to add your partition and afterwards to convert it to GPT.
But only in case if it's basic and not GPT.

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Re: 3TB HD deleted ext4 & formated NTFS

#13 Post by danblake »

I believe you are correct that the disk is currently a basic disk not a GPT disk.

No I have not been able to list my files by pressing p on the ext4 partition. I don't remember if I only had folders off the root of the drive or if there were any files to see directly on the root of the drive. I think I might have seen a directory when I pressed p.

I would like to try restoring this ext4 partition and if that fails I will call it a lost cause and move on.

If you could walk me through the Add process step by step that would help. If it works great! If not...I'll make sure not to work on my server when I'm so tired I make stupid mistakes.
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Re: 3TB HD deleted ext4 & formated NTFS

#14 Post by Fiona »

Would it be possible to convert your disk to GPT?
Might be possible that you have to delete any available volume (if any would be available)
Then to repeat your Analys and Quick Search using None.
Might be possible to get better resultsb because GPT-partitions are in slices and have no gemetry.
So it'll provide better results (more exact)
I assume that you created your GPT disk and ext4-partition using Linux.
Do it the same way as before.
But don't format anything.

Please know, it's not intended to touch your data underlying in your sectors.
A partition is available in your partition table.
In your case GUID partition table.

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Re: 3TB HD deleted ext4 & formated NTFS

#15 Post by danblake »

I was mistaken. Gparted says the disks are GPT already. Come to think of it they had to be because I set them up as one partition using all 3TB of space.

Next step?
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Re: 3TB HD deleted ext4 & formated NTFS

#16 Post by Fiona »

Looks like that Linux treats your disk as GPT.
In case run Analyse using Linux again.
The difference is, GPT partitions have no geometry.
So it would be possible, that your ext4-partition would be found.
But the scan lasts longer because TestDisk will searches in each sector.
A tip would be if your ext4 partition is displayed during Search you can press F (upper case) so TestDisk will jump to the and of the partition (but only available since version 6.14).
It speeds up scanning.

If your ext4-partition is found, you should be able to write it to your GUID partition table using Write.
Afterwards it would be possible to have a superblock diagnose.

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Re: 3TB HD deleted ext4 & formated NTFS

#17 Post by danblake »


You just mentioned something that was driving me nuts! I couldn't understand why TestDisk didn't have Linux as a scan type. I am using a LiveCD with TestDisk 6.13 and the only scan types that are listed are:


Do you know of a LiveCD that has version 6.14?
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Re: 3TB HD deleted ext4 & formated NTFS

#18 Post by Fiona »

Infos how TestDisk gets integrated in Linux versions;
So each new release takes the current TestDisk release.

In your case you can use EFI GPT from your LiveCD.
Also, if Testdisk displayes your ext4-partition during scan, you can press enter to stop the scan.
It's possible because your ext4 partition used the whole space.
It's important that Linux displays your disk type as GPT.
If you use TestDisk and your ext4 partition is found, you might be able to write it to your GUID partition table.

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Re: 3TB HD deleted ext4 & formated NTFS

#19 Post by danblake »

I scan using EFI GPT from the LiveCD. It still doesn't come up with what I believe is the correct ext4 partition. SEE LOG FROM EARLIER POST

So I need to Add (A) Partition with the proper sector information. Unfortunately TestDisk makes that a little confusing. I've written down the information from when I scanned using None as the partition type.

I go into Add partition and there are only 3 fields to put data. YOu will notice that TestDisk shows this information when it finds a partition.

P ext4 0 32 31 364801 65 62 5860530176
EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Backup superblock, 3000 GB / 2794 GiB

P NTFS 0 32 33 267349 56 35 4294963200 [TV Shows]
NTFS, 2199 GB / 2047 GiB

P ext4 0 32 31 364801 65 62 5860530176
P NTFS 0 32 33 267349 56 35 4294963200 [TV Shows]

Write isn't available because the partition table type "None" has been selected.

So which parts of those 7 numbers are the correct ones to add?

I would also like to request a feature. Seeing as TestDisk can find what I believe are correct partitions using "None" as the partition type, it would be a great feature to be able to Write, Add or otherwise work with those partitions.
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Re: 3TB HD deleted ext4 & formated NTFS

#20 Post by Fiona »

Have another try to diagnose your disk with partition table type None and only 3 values.
Don't confirm at Analyse but Geometry.
Change the values of Heads and Sectors to 1 (one).
Don't change anything else and leave the menu geometry at Ok.
Repeat your diagnose using Analyse, Quick and Deeper Search in case, to have a try to find your ext 4 partition.
If your partition is found, you'll get exactly the 3 values you need to add your ext4 partition using EFI GPT.
Partition table type None with this geometry scans each sector.
It takes time, but if your partition is listed during the scan you can stop the scan.
TestDisk should display your partition as a result just normally?
