Windows 8.1 x64 with GPT/UEFI. S.O Lost

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Windows 8.1 x64 with GPT/UEFI. S.O Lost

#1 Post by javier33 »

Hi at all and thanks for your help ! :-) I have uploaded any capture for more useful information.

I have got a new ultrabook Asus UX301LA-DE002H Zenbook (amazing his speed !!). It has got two ssd hard disk of 256 gb with raid 0. Total space 512 gb
If i remember ok, the default partitions was (in this order):
System (fat32, 100 mb, gpt) / Recovery (ntfs, 900 mb, gpt) / SO (ntfs, more of 450 gb, gpt) / Restore (ntfs, 20 gb, gpt).
When i configured it, i divided hard disk with windows default partition app: C: with 80 GB and D (DATOS): with 375 GB.
Also i installed Acronis True Image 2015 and i did one full back up of all hard disk, except D. This backup is in a external usb.

Everything worked fine until i used Microsoft desktops 2.0. When the problems star i recovery by Acronis C: to C: and the problems were worse.

Now, i can't to star win8.1, either default recovery system and either recovery by acronis.
With Diskpart and Bcdedit, this is the situation:

I have created two new boots options. One with Acronis (like i said, imposible recovery by acronis) and other with Gparted and Testdisk (disabling "secure boot control").

When Gparted star, show me two messages. The first i ignored.

And this is the result of Gparted and Testdisk

PLEASE, someone can help me to leave everything as it was.
Thank you very much
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Re: Windows 8.1 x64 with GPT/UEFI. S.O Lost

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Disable the option "Fast boot" for the moment.
The extra 512 blocks may be caused by an HPA area or reserved by your fake raid (software raid). If Linux ignore the HPA but your BIOS and Windows don't, it's a bad idea to use it...
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Re: Windows 8.1 x64 with GPT/UEFI. S.O Lost

#3 Post by javier33 »

Hi Cgerenier thanks. I have disable fast boot.
When i try default recover, the message is: your equip can't recover. Missing a necesary partition
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Re: Windows 8.1 x64 with GPT/UEFI. S.O Lost

#4 Post by javier33 »

Laptot road to Asus SAT.

This days, many W8 system are breaking for windows updates. I know for Asus customer service and the computer repair shop of my city.