Recover iso files in formated hard disk previous missing

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Recover iso files in formated hard disk previous missing

#1 Post by carpanta »

When connecting a hard drive western digital element to a mini pc all the files into the directory were erased only could to see the extructure of directory , all the files were iso and mkv large . As I ignored this program format the hard drive and not write anything on it. Now that I've known I would recover all files . I have done a scan with photorec and I have recovered through a filter mkv and iso all the movies in mkv and only one iso small . Can anyone advise me on how to recover these iso ? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Recover iso files in formated hard disk previous missing

#2 Post by cgrenier »

In FileOpts, only keep .iso. Do you get more iso this way ?
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Re: Recover iso files in formated hard disk previous missing

#3 Post by carpanta »

Not, only one... and unfortunately is a very small not is a full bluray iso.

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Re: Recover iso files in formated hard disk previous missing

#4 Post by carpanta »

Please check my testdisk error to try solvent.
error screen testdisk
error screen testdisk
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