PLEASE HELP... desperate to uninstall testdisk7

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PLEASE HELP... desperate to uninstall testdisk7

#1 Post by sparkyval »

Man, I downloaded the tesdisk 7 thinking newest is better. It totally locked up and so I ended up downloading 6.14. I cannot find either of these programs in the list of my programs to uninstall. I have tried to delete the testdisk 7 file that is on my desktop and it is making me delete each file that it contains separately... I was trying to access an old drive so I am thinking that might take me oh say 7 years.
PLEASE!!!! I have given up all hope of any of this working... my computer is now working terribly and I just want all of these files off of it... but it seems to be set up to make it impossible.
I now have 3 versions of a hard drive from an old computer on my newer one and I can't get rid of it. Please please please help!!!!!!! Do I have to download yet another program that i am afraid of? I would gladly have paid for this program if it would have functioned properly... now I have a serious serious mess and I want it off. Please help if you can!!!!!
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Re: PLEASE HELP... desperate to uninstall testdisk7

#2 Post by Fiona »

TestDisk is directly executable!
So there is no installation and uninstallation required!
Easily delete the testdisk folder.
