Selected wrong partition and Write, now not found

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Selected wrong partition and Write, now not found

#1 Post by r00tz »

Unfortunately battery was about to run out and no power supply so when I had found the partitions with TestDisk, the 500GB HPFS-NTFS was found, listed as 2nd of 4 partitions on the disk.

I chose by mistake the first partition and then selected write, but the second partition (big one with all the data and OS) if what I should have selected. Now when I do quick scan and also deep search, that one I am trying to recover is not listed.

Disk /dev/sdb - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63
Partition Start End Size in sectors
>* HPFS - NTFS 0 32 33 130 203 9 2099200 [SYSTEM ]
P HPFS - NTFS 58799 53 7 60539 151 28 27959296 [HP_RECOVERY]
P FAT32 LBA 60539 151 29 60800 172 44 4194304 [HP_TOOLS]

Is is clear that the partition which was initially found as in 2nd place there between 130 and 58799.

Before I made this testdisk Write mistake, this is what was listed:

Disk /dev/sdb - 500GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60801 255 63
Current partition structure:
Partition Start End Size in sectors
1 P HPFS-NTFS 0 32 33 130 203 9 2099200
Invalid NTFS or EXFAT boot
2 * HPFS-NTFS 130 203 10 58799 53 6 942508032
2 * HPFS-NTFS 130 203 10 58799 53 6 942508032
3 P HPFS-NTFS 58799 53 7 60539 151 28 27959296
4 P FAT32 60539 151 29 60800 172 44 4194303 [HP_TOOLS]

So as you can see I've lost partition 2, because I selected Partition 1 in the above list, then chose Write.

Does that mean there is no way to recover partition 2 now that Testdisk no longer finds it? It is an HP Client security encrypted disk containing the Windows 7 OS and all my files.

Thank you for any help or advice if I have to give up or there is a solution? :oops:
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Re: Selected wrong partition and Write, now not found

#2 Post by cgrenier »

After Quick Search, use a' to manually add the missing partition
HPFS-NTFS 130 203 10 58799 53 6
Set the first partition as P(rimary). Set the partition you have added as *(bootable).
On next screen, choose Write, confirm, Quit

You should now be back to the situation before using TestDisk.
There is probably a method to reinstall HP Client Security utility or decrypt the partition.