Partition found and all my files are there but...

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Partition found and all my files are there but...

#1 Post by jimmcwibb »

...I can'tm get the partition to recover properly. Can someone point me in the right direction? This is what happens:


I click continue, next screen:


I can go into the files and see that they're all there. Is the characteristics correct? This is an external drive and I've never used it as a bootable drive. Next screen:


I click write and it all seems good. But then when I plug the drive into a windows machine it says there's no filesystem and it needs to be formatted. :|

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Re: Partition found and all my files are there but...

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Run Testdisk, Advanced, Boot, if available, choose BackupBS and confirm.
Run "cmd" (right click run as administrator), "chkdsk /f d:" (replace d: by the correct drive letter).
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Re: Partition found and all my files are there but...

#3 Post by jimmcwibb »

Thanks cgrenier, I'll try that once I have all my data backed backed up from it.
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Re: Partition found and all my files are there but...

#4 Post by jimmcwibb »

The backup boot sector is "bad" and backupBS isn't an option.

At least I'm getting all my files off. Nothing is corrupted at all.